Dear Partner,
If you love numbers you're going to love this letter. If you love pictures you're going to love this letter. If you love dogs you're going to love this letter. If you have a strong desire to be happier you're going to love this letter.
To borrow a line from my Dad, “they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I’d like to share several thousand words with you” in this letter as we look back at an incredible summer of blessing…and look ahead to a handful of major projects we’re already addressing as we plan for the 2022 season.
Thanks to your support, HYC welcomed over 150 campers from Crossroads Farm at a greatly reduced price.
Because you gave, HYC welcomed nearly 50 kids from Flint – under the leadership of Leo Robinson, II – and those kids all came at no cost. Yes, HYC invited them to camp for FREE.
We need a new roof on the Rec Hall, which will also serve as our Auditorium again in 2022 as the Miracle Building is being built. The cost for that will be $5,000.
The cost for a new roof on the Sweet Shop will be $5,000. We will also be getting new ceiling tiles and lighting.
We need new doors for all 16 of our camper cabins, for a total cost of $6,400. We will also be installing gutters for the front of each set of camper cabins, costing $1,600.
We'll be putting down gravel in front of all the cabins as well as in front of the Sweet Shop front door costing around $1,200. (If we can convince Bear to relocate.)
Next summer we hope to have a pavilion with a fire pit area nearby. The price for that will be between $65,000-$75,000. We will use this pavilion area during the 2022 summer season as our rec hall, along with the purchase of another large tent. We will then use both tents for dining and use the Sweet Shop as the Sweet Shop again.
The cost of everything - from camper scholarships to building renovations and pavilion construction is close to $100,000.
We have 25% of that on hand. We need your help.
Here is the exciting news if you have a strong desire to be happier this fall. Dr Martin Seligman from Harvard did a study where they took a group of students and asked them what would make them “happy” that week? Some wanted the best meals, to climb to the top of a mountain they’d always dreamed of, a shopping spree, an exotic vacation. They then provided them with everything they asked that would make them happy for those seven days. At the end of the week the study found that for those students nothing had changed. For the following week he had the group focus on what would make other people happy. They bought gifts, provided food, donated their service, gave money, all focused on others. They came back and found conclusive evidence they were happier, they were healthier, blood levels were checked and they were actually in better shape, and in a better state of mind.
In every pledge partner letter I’ve written, I’ve always thanked you folks for your generous contributions to HYC. In this one and only letter I’m allowing you to thank me for the opportunity to be happier and healthier! You are welcome. Sarcasm probably really doesn’t have a place in donor letters, but you get my point.
To continue to offer reduced prices and reach out to inner city kids from Flint we need your help.
To make these significant improvements to buildings around the grounds we need your help.
The money you give this fall will make an eternity of difference in the lives of hundreds of young people this coming summer. We are grateful for you and your generous support.
Proverbs 24:10