May Newsletter 2024

Dear Partner,

Here's a quick overview of everything HYC related:  our teen week one and teen week three are sold out for the coming 2024 summer season and the second teen week has a limited number of spots available.  We have staff signed up and ready to go, and we raised more money in March than any one month stretch in the past 12 years.  We have done a good deal- now let’s pray for God to do a great deal. I think my dad used to say "A million dollars’ worth of memories" when referencing a week at HYC. That can only happen if God shows up in a big way.  I saw this post on Facebook from a staff member who served with us 40 some years ago, reflecting on memories of a week at HYC.  I believe the song she's referring to is "When All is Said and Done" that would play over the loudspeakers as campers and staff made their way back to their cabins for the evening.  

Randomly, I heard this song today and although I hadn't heard it in many years, I immediately was transported to the Hiawatha softball field, looking up at the incredible night sky. I could actually feel the cool breeze. Funny how a subtle sound, a scent, or in this case a song can trigger the most intense memories. By the 2nd verse, I was wrecked. I was standing in a field that's no longer the home of HYC, listening for voices that are no longer here on earth, reminiscing about a simpler time I can never get back. Grief upon grief. Most of the time I remember my camp days with overwhelming gratitude and a smile, but I just deeply missed them.

At first, I thought it was a bad idea to share the post, it seems depressing talking about missing weeks of a summer from years ago. But then I realized, you only miss those moments that were unbelievably, unforgettable and in some cases life changing. God has done it before...we're praying He'll do it again.  

Thanks for your continued support and prayers.

