August Newsletter 2022

Dear Partner,

Again this summer, I’m amazed at how quickly the camp season goes by and even more thankful for how many blessings the Lord packs into a handful of weeks. Though the season flies by in a blur, we will long remember the powerful moments of ministry and life change that took place. I’ll be sharing a few of those blessings each month throughout the fall and winter, but have to lead off by praising the Lord for allowing Hiawatha to play a small part in over 20 young people accepting Christ as their Savior. Imagine how their lives( their eternity!) has been redirected because of a few days spent at HYC. Thank you for helping make that possible!

Along with sharing that tremendous blessing, I’m also writing to share a pressing financial need. I’d much prefer not to do that, but this was a most unique summer at HYC. Because of state mandated updates, the pressing needs to provide meeting and dining space options in the continued absence of the Miracle Building, and our longstanding commitment to inviting campers regardless of their financial status, we come to the end of our season with roughly $25,000 in bills.

As you’ll see on the detailed Expenditure Summary included with this letter, we’ve tackled a LOT of projects in the last year and, thanks to your generosity, had the resources to pay for everything on that list...but the other annual expenses such as electricity, food, staff payroll, etc. are now coming due.

It would be a tremendous help and blessing if you would prayerfully consider a special gift to help us cover those expenses, many of which are due in September.

In closing, let me share the thoughts of one young camper who came to HYC last year and accepted Christ. This year, he returned and told his counselor that “this is the place where I get closer to God than anywhere else. It’s a special place and I can’t wait to come back.”

Leading young people to know and follow Christ. That’s what we want to do. That’s what you help us do. That’s why I’m so thankful for your partnership in this ministry.

In Him,
