Letter to the Alumni

Dear Friends of HYC,

October is historically the time when I write to you with a recap of the blessings from the summer season just concluded, but 2020 is re-writing history in a multitude of ways for this ministry.

While that re-writing may not seem like a blessing at first glance, upon further review the hand of the Lord can be seen in every aspect of the story.

Rather than lament the loss of an entire camp season, we rejoice in the exciting potential for the Miracle Building 2.0. Plans are rounding into shape for the look, feel, and year round functionality of the new structure. Architects and contractors are being selected. The partnership between HYC and the Piatt Lake Bible Conference is strong and we couldn’t be more excited to see what the Lord has in store when the construction process launches next spring.

This unexpected sabbatical caused by a collapsed building and global pandemic also provides us with the blessing of time to review, refresh, and renew our facilities. There are two major projects (aside from the Miracle Building) that will be my focus from now until we welcome campers next summer...and I’m hoping you’ll help us with both.

CAMPER CABIN RENOVATIONS – We’re working diligently to make sure that campers joining us in the summer of 2021 will enjoy a new lodging experience in all Boys and Girls cabins. Paneling and flooring are being updated. The outside of the cabins is being repaired, cleaned, and beautified. Inside, we would like to provide new beds and mattresses to replace the “ready for retirement” metal frame beds we’ve had for 40+ years.

The beds are $250 each and we need 10 of them.

The mattresses are $100 each and we need 65 of them.

Will you please consider “adopting” a bed and/or mattress by underwriting the cost of 1 or more?

Hoodie Option 1

Hoodie Option 1

Hoodie Option 2

Hoodie Option 2
